Welcome to Chicago Rogue FC!

Youth Travel Soccer Club

We support the development of all of our soccer players. Whether we are out on the field during practice or in games, our sports club is committed to making the most of our time together.  We take the sport seriously, and take pride in delivering a competitive soccer environment. Players are routinely evaluated and coaches consistently adapt to make a successful program for both the individual player as well as the team as a whole.

A Tradition of Team Spirit

We know that there are a number of places that you could go for your player's development. We are thankful that you choose us and hope that you value how we support good sportsmanship and camaraderie that make our teams great both off and on the field.

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General Information


Supplemental tryouts held throughout the year.
  • If you are interested, please fill out a registration form on our Tryouts page.
  • We will then put you in contact with one of our coaches and arrange a time for your player to join us for a practice session with our teams.
  • For more specific club details, please visit our "More Info/FAQ's" section found in the menu at the top of the page.


What do I do after trouts?
  • If your player is selected to join one of our teams, we will reach out to you with an acceptance letter and instructions on how to proceed.
  • The coach/admin will then send you a registration link to be completed.
  • After you have registered, the coaches will assign your player a team and you will recive a communications invite through TeamSnap to start recieving all the information on games/practices.


I am all registred, how do I get uniforms?
  • Our official uniform provider beginning Fall 2023 will be Capelli Sports.
  • Once you have registered and the player has been entered into our systems, a link for unifroms will also be sent to you. You will need a code to access our teams site.
  • The site will cutsomize to your players assigned number and all items will be listed.
  • This site will include extra gear options and spiritwear as well.

Interested in joining?


Have a question about our club? Send us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Chicago Rogue FC

Lemont, IL       chicagoroguefc@gmail.com

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